Hi, I’m Erica 👋🏻

Self-employment doesn’t have to be a grind that costs you your life.

Let’s break all the rules and build something that brings you joy, fulfillment, and peace.

Let my breakdown lead to your breakthrough.

After over a decade of working with leaders on building and growing their businesses, I had all of the tools necessary to branch out and start a business of my own. Or at least I thought I did.

Turns out, you can have a rock-solid business plan and tons of experience and still struggle.

Not only was I in the midst of a complete dismantling of my life as I knew it, but I was also missing a few key things: ADHD + OCD diagnoses (explained so much!), creativity in my approach, and a support system.

After many false starts and lessons learned, I’ve found a much more sustainable path forward for myself. I’m ready to help you build a business that enhances your well-being and leads to the freedom and fulfillment you desire.

I believe that being self-employed should enhance your well-being, not detract from it.

The lines between business and life are blurred, so nothing is off-limits in our coaching. My approach honors your whole human experience and helps you create harmony in fulfillment in all areas of life.

free download | values are your compass |

free download | values are your compass |

You might answer this question with a series of words or characteristics that you find admirable in others, and that represent the person you mean to be.

But do you really have clarity on what your values are and why they are meaningful to you? Do you have a firm understanding of how your values shape your daily actions and help you make decisions that support your goals?

This free resource provides a step-by-step process for establishing the ‘compass’ that will help guide you to a life of fulfillment and harmony.

What are your core values?

    “your business is your livelihood, but not your whole life”

    I’m so grateful for every person I’ve worked with who has allowed me a glimpse into their heart and soul, and I’m grateful to YOU for getting this far on the page. I know how lonely, paralyzing, and exhausting it can be to try to build a business from scratch, and I’m here to tell you that you don’t have to do it alone.

    I can't wait to meet you, strategize with you, and celebrate your inevitable success.

    Thank you for being here


    connect with me


    connect with me 〰️

    Have questions? Want to share your story? Lets talk.